Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ghost Town

Disclaimer/ Clarification:
It has been brought to my attention that somewhere between the pictures I've posted on my Facebook and the stories I've told here on my blog, I've started to come across as a "wild party girl".  If you know me at all, you know that couldn't be farther from the truth.  The nightlife here is huge, and is in all of Europe for that matter.  Drinking alcohol/ going out for drinks/ going to the clubs is a big part of the culture, but in a much different way than in America.  Here, you go to a cafe or bar and only have one-two drinks maximum, and are there for at least two-three hours.  Especially during the week when my days are fairly routine and there's nothing new to report, I'm sure the "going out" part really stick out.  I am by no means going out and getting trashed and making a fool of myself; I have more self-respect and am smarter than that.  That being said, I do go out to those places a lot and try to have fun.  Not only because everyone is doing it and I don't want to miss out, but also because I'm trying to experience and soak up every part of this culture while I'm here and that just happens to be a part of it.  I hope this clears up any confusion there may have been as to what I'm doing and how I'm spending my free time.

As usual on a Sunday, the city of Thessaloniki is pretty much dead.  It's always eerily silent and dreadfully hot.
Also the usual, this is my "be-lazy-and-catch-up-on-everything" day.  I slept in til 1pm today, still exhausted from the weekend.  Back home in the US, I would feel like I wasted my entire day if I slept that late.  But here, the unbearable heat makes it impossible to sleep soundly through the night, so I cherish any amount of sleep I can get.  Laid in bed for about an hour before going down the street with Lauren and Erin to get some lunch.  We stopped at the gyro place, one of the very few places open on a Sunday.  Now that I think about it, I don't ever think I've seen this place closed.  Instead of my usual pork gyro, I got a beef and cheese one, and it was entirely too salty.  I've come to learn that's how they prepare the beef here, not ordering that anymore.  Came back home and read some, meaning I'm procrastinating doing my homework.  It's not due til Tuesday, but I'd like to get it over with while I don't have anything else to do.  Sunday's are also the days I catch up on my blog since we're usually back from trips by then.
It's back to school tomorrow!

I know, I know, none of this is just riveting to read.  Besides our trips on the weekends, things have become almost routine around here.  I can't believe my stay here is almost over!  Only 15 days left before I leave and head back to America.  Such a crazy and weird thought to me!  It will be very bittersweet, that's for sure.  More to come about that later when it gets closer to time.

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