Monday, June 25, 2012

First Full Week of Classes

Today began the first full week of classes.  I feel like these posts have become so boring!  My apologies in advance.  I will say though, it is nice to feel like we've finally settled in a little bit and are on some sort of routine.  Went to class at 11:30am as usual.  Although it's technically considered a management course, it most definitely should have been called economics.  Not only do I hate economics, but it's definitely not my strong point.  But this is the only class here that would give me any credit, and since it's a short summer session, I know I can do it!  It's just so hard to pay attention when you can see the sun shining through the windows and know you're missing out on a beautiful day exploring a fascinating city where you find something new every day.  Grabbed a crepe for lunch at our favorite spot called Mammy's and came home for the afternoon.  I tried to be a good student and look over the notes from class, but it's just too dang hot to study.  So, logically, I took a nap instead :)
Later on, while I was planning to stay in for the night, but everyone was talking about going on the boat ride around the Thessaloniki harbor, and I obviously didn't want to miss out.  A few of us were told we were going to take the 11:00pm tour, so about five of us were ready about 10:30 so we could walk to where the boat picks you up.  Too bad our group is the most unorganized group of people ever.  Because we're spread out between two different buildings and multiple floors, communication and planning always seems to be a mess.  While the five of us were waiting downstairs, we were informed that people wanted to do dinner at 11 and then the tour at midnight.  So instead of dinner, we decided to hang out on the boardwalk and meet everyone there... which, of course, never happened.  As we were walking there, we got distracted by this really nice cafe/bar that overlooked the harbor and decided to stop by for a drink.  Even though the night air was cooler, walking such long distances always seems to make you sweat.  We had such a good time laughing and just hanging out, it was really nice.
(PS- sorry for two posts in a row with no pictures! hopefully something eventful and picture worthy will happen soon!)

Also, I keep forgetting things I want to mention!  Just a bunch of random observations I've made about the city and culture over here.
-Greece runs on a cash economy, so not only do most places not take credit/debit cards, but they seem almost upset with you when you don't have exact or almost exact change.  Which is hard when you withdraw from the ATM and it gives you a bunch of 50s!
-I've been seeing the forecast back home in Texas, I know it's really hot over there.  While it's usually less than 100 here, it's a different kind of heat.  Because we are in a big city, it's pretty much solid concrete everywhere.  And since space is at such a premium, everything is built on top of each other, which means little to no breeze.  Add on to that the lack of A/C, and you're sweating pretty much 24/7.  IT'S HOT.
-While it may be the second biggest city in the country, Thessaloniki is not a major tourist destination.  I had never heard of it before until I started looking into the study abroad program here!  This means most people don't speak English like they would in more touristy spots.  But again, I'm learning how to say a few things.  Plus people who work in businesses usually do, and that's usually all I need.  I think that's another reason everything shuts down from 3-5pm every day and all day Sundays.
-Not only are the drivers here literally insane, but they're honking all the time!  For seemingly no reason at all.  The driving scene is a total disaster.
-Before I came, I was told that Europeans dressed much nicer on a daily basis than Americans do, aka no jeans and t-shirts or nike shorts.  I've found that to be partially untrue here in Greece; a lot of people are dresses fairly casual doing the day to day activities.  That being said, even with casual outfits, the majority of the women here wear heels (especially wedges) ALL the time!  Don't get me wrong, you know this girl of all people loves a great pair of wedges, but I can't imagine doing the type of walking we do here in shoes like that.  Especially with the streets all torn up in most places like they are.  No thank you.
-The interior design and furniture here is AWESOME!  It's super modern and funky and I love it. The mirrors, chandeliers/ lighting, and chairs are what stick out most to me.  If I could afford to buy and ship stuff to decorate my entire house in the great things they have here, I would be more than content.

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